Only recently the European Union has announced the withdrawal of Italy from the economic crisis, in structural terms. At the same time, market confidence in European growth has risen, and so the tendency of foreigners to buy a house in Italy.
It is dated 15 October 2013 a search of Real Capital Analytics Inc. which shows how that the 79 % of transactions for properties in Italy at that time and in that year was carried out by people who reside beyond the national border.
With growing confidence in the European market, then, foreign investors are growing: the last time Italy has been able to boast such a large number of investors in this field was in 2007.


The same survey reveals that buyers of real estates in Italy are people who have never invested in this Country, and the only brake on foreign investment now seems not so much the economic crisis but the lack of political transparency.
Even the Bank of Italy survey on the state of the property market, published in November 2013, states that in the fourth quarter of the year, and in anticipation of the end of 2014, sales have increased.
As for the “canonical” real estate area, German and English are the first places among the buyers. In the sector of villas, cottages, manor houses and all of the luxury real estates in general, the more buyers appear to be the magnates of the Russian Federation.


This new band of rich is obviously demanding, negotiate on price, does not need intermediaries because it speaks perfect English, is young and choose location where privacy is very well protected; the privacy issue has a growing importance, so much that Russians buyers are shifting their interest from the most classic places (in which their countrymen are becoming numerous) to other less frequented areas like the inner areas of Tuscany and Umbria.